
Wednesday, May 31, 2006


somehow i didn't get up this morning and go for my 35 minutes. it was 5am, then it was 5.30 and then it was 7am. i was very aware of what i was doing, but nonetheless i was really enjoying my bed. ah well. i will go out tonight after work which will be an interesting experiment for me because i've never been much of am after work exerciser.

speaking of work, it was wishful thinking that they wouldn't want me to stick out the week. i will be here till friday. apparently they have some work for me but i certainly haven't seen it yet... after my last 6 weeks at my old job and the month and a bit that i have been here i am thoroughly sick of surfing the internet and hassling people by email just to keep myself occupied... never would have thought it, but its true!!


haha - turns out that i am not as lazy as i thought. today is actually a rest day! i must have known that subconsciously... yay!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

loooong intervals

today training involved 3 longish intervals. for the speedy kids that meant 3km, 2km, 1km. For me it meant 1800m, 1600m, 1000m. I was pretty pleased with my effort. I felt like i went hard but not too hard. I still had some energy left, which was lucky as those towards the back of the pack got virtually no recovery in between the 2nd and 3rd sets. but i am sure that is valuable in itself...

my times were 9.35, 8.44 and 5.13 which i am pretty happy with! still don't really have much comparison but 5.13 sounds fast for 1km to me!! (although on saturday i did 5 of them in a row in at 5.27 pace... hmm... maybe i should have tried harder this morning...).

ah well.

anyway so i have a new job... (do we sense a theme?) i am so excited and i resigned yesterday afternoon but there will be more resigning to do today (its complicated...). i will be starting next monday so no rest for the wicked!

Monday, May 29, 2006

rest day (phew) and miscellanea

rest day today which is luck because my legs are a little sore from yesterday. could be time to visit easy tiger again as i was very aware of a slight niggle at the back of my knee that moved to the front below the kneecap and then i felt something on my quad. never real bad but it is back to behind the knee when i walk around.

i have my new months program from sean and there are some interesting things in it. Up to 1hr50mins by the end of the month, which is not very far from 2 HOURS!!!! (sorry did i mention that i ran 98 minutes yesterday?? hehehe). the rest days are being swapped around so i have 4 days in a row some weeks and building up to 6 running days a week which is great cause i feel like i am slacking when i don't go!! he has also put the sydney striders 10km in for this saturday and then just an hour on sunday, but instead i am going to do just an easy 45 saturday and hopefully the great nosh on sunday (gotta work out where it is etc etc). scary but that is even better.

other than that i am feeling fantastic about my weekend of running. its all new territory for me so i'm enjoying it all! and particularly the fact that every run is not such a struggle that now i really enjoy it while i'm out there. how cool is that?!

should be some action on the job front today so watch this space...


I have also been watching with an incredible sense of sadness the effect of the earthquake that has hit central java

i lived in yogyakarta for 6 months during the first post-suharto election as part of my asian studies degree and this all seems very real (i even climbed the volcano to the north of the city that has been active for the last few weeks!). one thing that is almost impossible to comprehend is the population density and the exponential impact that something like this could have there, compared to what the effect would be here. combined with extreme poverty and poor health infrastructure it will have a lasting impact that I struggle to get my head around.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

holy cr*p

today i had 90 mins on the program. i didn't think about it too much because hey - that is AN HOUR AND A HALF!!!! i decided for an early morning double lap of the outside of the park. i sensibly thought that because one lap took me between 45-50 mins that i would do nearly two in 90 mins - and if i had to miss the last hill then so be it :) of course i was a little slower today so when i got to the end of two laps (14km roughly i think) and looked at my ipod-clock, i had gone over by 8 minutes. so all in all i ran for 98 minutes.

i'm sorry - did i just seriously say that i ran for 98 minutes? what a trip :)

anyway - i'm sure i'll process this all soon... back to my course today (hence the super early wake up). i learnt a lot in yesterday's sessions on boundaries and ethics. hoping that today will be similarly enlightening.

but for now i'm freeeeezing so time to jump in a hot shower.

(did i mention 98 minutes?)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

first CR 5km challenge

just a v quick one cause i will be late to my course. but it was all good! i was so nervous before i started that i wouldn't even make the 5km. but i was lucky enough to get a lift to the start from CR andrewff53(52?) and when we arrived i saw loads of friendly faces that made me feel right at home. i started in the 30 minute group but as i mentioned my race plan was to go out as hard as i could, most likely to die in the last 3km but hopefully to keep going a bit further. i ended up keeping it going and crossed the line in 27.15 which i was really really ridiculously happy with!! a big PB for me! (well my first 5km ever but definitely faster than i would have been able to do it in the past!!).

it is a great way to do it, having everyone leave in increments so we all finish at the same time. it is possible that i could have tried a little harder, but as i have mentioned i have a low discomfort threshold... this felt hard enough!! am looking forward to improving that time though.

now off to psychoanalyse stuff.

Friday, May 26, 2006

cross training

at the moment i have 2 days off per week - monday and friday. so far i have been taking them as complete rest days, but to be honest i feel a bit crap on those days where i don't do anything. but i can't decide what cross training to do. it would be good to utilise my now redundant but still costly gym membership. i like spin classes - but also feel like i should do some more weights sessions... (or any weights sessions) because i am a complete and utter weakling. i would also like to swim more but have a particularly embarassing problem where the skin around my eyes seems to react to the plastic on goggles and i look like i have been punched in both eyes. its awful!! hmmmmmm

and on yesterdays topic, i had an interview this morning. looking good so far - but we shall see...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


dragged myself to sweat this morning for another fartlek session. the last one i found ok (there were a few of us at the back and we didn't do the last loop etc). today was hard!! and i did the extra loop. i think that i was probably going faster in parts than i did last time - but who can tell. certainly i did about 1.5km more than last time, which combined with the to and from the park and a lap of the oval makes it quite a big run for me!! (9-10km i think)

and my legs actually hurt afterwards! i don't usually get that (possibly not trying hard enough?) but today i felt it. could just be that my body has just registered the increase in mileage etc. anyway. feeling good now.

on the job front things aren't improving. it looks like i will start to get busy from today as i am starting a due diligence for a big deal. but to be honest i am underwhelmed by the prospect of working past 8 every night and giving up my weekends. call me crazy.

and although i feel very weird about it, i am considering another opportunity that i was called about a few weeks ago (and dismissed wanting to give this a shot) and am facing the always-uncomfortable fact of admitting to myself that i may have made a mistake. and that in fact - i'm just not cut out for this. i think things could have been different if i had spoken to my boss and felt a bit motivated early on, or if i didn't sit with nothing to do for 3 weeks while they told me how bad it was going to be when it did start. of course nothing may come of it, but i'm thinking about it. definitely food for thought....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

therapy running

needed to get the heart pumping this morning after a tough session at the house of tears last night. [in case i haven't explained, i am studying psychotherapy/counselling, and part of the course requires that you do your own personal therapy.. which is a fantastic process of course and i wouldn't be studying what i do if i didn't believe in it - but it can be... intense.] A quick 40 minute jaunt around the park and the streets near home did the job nicely. No music today because i don't like to cut off my sense of hearing when it is so dark.

i was freezing when i got up and tried wearing a pair of crappy old cotton gloves that i use under boxing gloves. they did the job perfectly! although i took them off and carried them about half way and they looked very stupid (being bright white and all) they helped me get out the front door - so that is a big plus in my book. might venture out at lunch to get me some more discrete black ones. i recall some suggestions in another 'i'm so cold' post this month so will go back and get some suggestions.

having a few thoughts at present about my plans for the next few weeks...

- thinking about the CR 5km challenge this saturday. the problem is that i would need to leave pretty quickly to get to my course in time and definitely wouldn't run back in time. might ask on the coolrunning board whether anyone could pick me up from the end on their way to the start, and then i would have my car at the end and could zoom off... but not sure yet...

- the weekend after that there are a couple of runs that look like fun. The MS 8km run is on (and a guy from work wants to run that with me - but i haven't committed so far) because, i thought that the run that the Owl and Jen are doing (the great nosh?) sounded like fun. it is pretty long - 15km but my long run will be at 1hr 40mins by then which should nearly cover 15km... just a thought for now - that is pretty darn far!! but i imagine i could go pretty slow.

anyway - back to work and waiting for someone to decide to give me something to do... (who would have thought that would be something to complain about???)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

no sweating this morning

and not just cause it is so cold. i didn't go to Sweat this morning. This is the first time I have missed it without a good reason. My reason today is that i turned my alarm off and acidentally went back to sleep. This is not like me at all so i figured it must have been telling me something. I am also still coughing and spluttering a lot which is starting to really give me the shits.

anyway i could come up with heaps more excuses :) but instead i will just get up tomorrow morning for "40 mins easy" and hope like hell that it isn't raining... or freezing.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

long run

I was a little apprehensive about todays run as it was 80 minutes and i've been sick and the last long one was 70 minutes 2 weeks ago. but in the end i did it and didn't feel like i was going too slow.

i headed down oxford st and into the city and through hyde park. i did the turn at the end very slowly because i ran into the half marathon people and wanted to see if i recognised people! i saw CR plu in his yellow and blue finery but didn't yell because i was a little far away. i was very jealous of everyone running and one day hope to give it a whirl!

After that i headed back up to taylor square and down around moore park and into centennial park where i did an inner circuit which brought me to 80 minutes - still alive and with a little bit of energy left! hurray!! who knew i could run for over an hour, let alone 80 minutes!! what a revelation. next weekend is an hour and a half though - which seems like a REALLY long time!!!

congrats to everyone who ran the half - sounds like there were some great results and a lot of fun.


Saturday, May 20, 2006

steady gains

so i have discovered a new measure of my improvement as a runner and that is my ability to handle the discomfort of running with a hangover. whereas previously a 30 minute run was about the limit today i stretched it to 50 mins and actually didn't feel too bad all things considered (ie no sleep, a fair amount of beer which i am not used to as well as vodka and the remnant of a cold). tomorrow is 80 mins (eek!) which will be an interesting one given that i didn't do a long run last weekend.

i've got my dad in town over from perth at the moment and he came out last night - he came to a party with me briefly and then left. i thought he went home but when i got home at around 1.30 he was only just home after he chose to continue drinking at a different bar on his own! (so my genetic predisposition to certain "lifestyle choices" leaves me no option obviously!!)

Good luck to everyone running the half tomorrow! i wish i was coming to watch!

Friday, May 19, 2006

technological leaps!

i did it! managed to put a photo into my profile! one day when i actually have a reasonable photo of myself running i will put it there. but until then i have a very fitting sydney traffic photo. how's the serenity...

(unfortunately not taken by me - but by a very cute german).

Thursday, May 18, 2006

i think its the black lung pa

(sorry, zoolander joke but seemed appropriate)

amazingly i made it out of bed and up to sweat training. i felt fine when i inexplicably woke up at 4.45 and still when i got up at 5.20... so couldn't come up with a good reason not to go.

the jog down was a bit of a challenge. my cough has really settled in and i think my barking cough was probably scaring the guard dogs. still i could breathe ok so long as i wasn't having a coughing fit.

it was a pretty small (relatively!) group today but was great to see kerrie back and i felt a bit like i had missed out by not coming tuesday (what is that about??). it was 400's today and my program had 6 but sean and i thought that 5 was a better target. i kept it at what was a pretty easy pace but was surprised that i was running them at the same pace that i had when i started and i was half dying! Was pretty steady at 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.58 1.58 (thanks to kerrie for the excellent pacing!).

i raised the possibility of redoing last weeks program with sean and he pretty much said no - just keep going. so keep going i will (try).

not feeling fantastic now as my chest is pretty tight and i'm coughing a LOT. but typically with me that means the end of the cold, so lets hope it is a quick recovery cause i'm annoying myself!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

light at the end of the tunnel

anyway so my great plans to go for a run yesterday were quickly laid to rest when i woke up (despite literally dreaming the entire night about getting up to go for a run!!) as i was barely able to move my head. i spent the day at home as even getting up and having a shower and taking some drugs didn't help a great deal. funnily i felt guiltier about missing a run than i did about not going to work. hmmm. priorities...

today i woke up feeling much better albeit with a particularly attractive cough. at least they will know at work that i wasn't making it up! they'll wish i had been making it up though i'm sure. didn't go for a run as my chest is really tight and i'm not breathing too easily. but tomorrow for sure!!! and i am going to start this weeks program again next week cause i don't know how i'll go keeping up with what was scheduled. or maybe i should just give it a go. who knows! apparently tomorrow is more track work not hills so that will be ok. i need to invest in suitable cold weather clothing i think but unfortunately am dirt poor courtesy of my course (this month its costing me $1200!!!!) so will have to make do until next month... (or next winter at this rate!).

right. now to scrounge up some work...

Monday, May 15, 2006

cough* splutter*

firstly thanks everyone for your congratulations! you guys are the best :)

i woke up this morning feeling very rubbish. i have a sore throat and a blocked up head and runny nose and lots of sneezing. i suspect it is due to a massive combination of new job (new germs! i always get sick at a new job!), meeting up with a sick friend on saturday for coffee and standing around in the FREEZING cold on sunday morning till the last minute before having to dump my jumper at the collection point.

i think that i am going to still go for a run tomorrow but rather than go to sweat i thought i would go out for an hour (or 70 mins) if i can do it, to make up for the long run that i missed on sunday. i was thinking that this might be more do-able than intervals. but it will be an interesting experiment in any event cause i feel crap!!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Day Classic 06

first fun run - done! 4km in 22m34s (that is the official time, it took me 23 seconds of that to cross the start line).

so i got there early as usual (its a character flaw) and got to watch almost all of the 8km race which was great. It was great to see Liz from Sweat coming 3rd in the women's (and i believe she went in the 4km too...). that also makes me feel not so bad for being a slow coach in such speedy company! finally got the courage up to take of my jumper and headed to the start line. the crowd was a bit of an impediment at times - but not too bad. i felt like i was pushing pretty hard from the start, i probably went out a little bit too hard but managed to make it, but didn't feel fantastic on that hill in the last km! i am very happy with that time as it means i did it all in under 6min kms, which was my real goal. yay! next step beijing olympics...

i introduced myself to TA and the Gnome on the last hill and had a quick chat at the end which was fantastic! i have to say that i don't think i will do anymore fun runs all on my own - it was a bit crap having no mates. but i definitely had something to prove to myself with this one and i have done that. now i know that no matter how slow, i can finish a fun run/ race and actually i was not even at the back of the pack at all. the evidence is mounting that i can almost call myself a runner (ok a jogger... i'm not quite there yet) :)

Edit: i came 393rd out of 1400! not too shabby at all! (although the 1400 didn't include the pure walkers it did include the run/walkers, but i'm still stoked!)

tesso - the play list was a random shuffle that turned out something like this:
- watch the sunrise, Axwell
- dirty jeans, magic dirt
- wish you well, bernard fanning
- criminal past, motorace
- hard act to follow, grinspoon
- no one knows, queens of the stone age

(and i will keep an ear out for that cypress hill song - i have to admit to not being a die hard fan...)

but the song for the day is obviously the scissor sisters, take your mama!

happy mothers day everyone!


Saturday, May 13, 2006


hehe just kidding! (although i was tempted to stay in bed to be in the best condition for tomorrow!!)

today's program had 40 mins "easy", the same as Wednesday. However there was an interesting contrast as Wednesday felt easy and today felt like a struggle. I don't mind because i figure it will make me more appreciative of the good ones! Actually its also not unexpected because I had a quick drink at work and came home because i was really tired. ended up in bed at 8.30 and didn't have dinner (i take that back there was a party pie at work). so i was pretty low in energy. but i'll try and eat good today so i am in peak physical condition for my attempt to break 26 mins tomorrow...

on todays brain playlist is Better World by Infusion (reminds me a lot of depeche mode actually) and my old Cypress Hill CD from year 9...

Friday, May 12, 2006

funny story...

(mildly running related)

so despite my best intentions i went out last night (but was v good and switched to diet coke and then soda waters pretty early on). towards the end of the night at the meatmarket, sorry the establishment, both the girls i was there with were getting better acquainted with some gentlemen friends and i was talking to one of their mates (i am such a good wing-woman). turns out he was in sydney from brisbane doing a reconn of footlocker and its competitors because he is their QLD running shoe buyer or something like that. so we had a great chat about shoes and profitability of shoe stores and the like. certainly not something that i would have ever imagined chatting about over a drink before i got into this running lark :) he approved of my choice of shoe!

love it!

but now i am tired. roll on 5pm.

i'm thinking about a quick jaunt to the bay tomorrow for my 40 mins, and did i mention that i am doing the Mothers Day run this sunday - only the 4km (grr) but that is ok and i will see how fast I can do it!! i am aiming for under 26 mins (6m30s km) which should totally be doable as that is my slowish run pace now.

doesn't look like anyone else is going though so i think i'll be there allll on my own... :(

never mind. i suppose i could call my mum as i am running along ;)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

wild wally and tangerine tulips

Well i realllllly didn't want to get up and go out this morning. i had a bad attitude when i went to bed and a bad attitude when i got up. for some reason i actually went to sweat training despite all my best intentions :)

Today was Wild Wally - i was down to do only 3 of the 5 reps - no complaining here! i was pretty pleased that i did them (they are about 700m of hills i think) in 3.31, 3.30, 3.27 - so i improved with each one! yay! i want to go back and cross reference with my times from a few weeks ago - i am pretty sure i was up around the 4 min mark. of course that was when i was running on no food, no sleep and quite possibly still had a significant amount of 2 bottles of champagne in my bloodstream. but all good! plus amjan said she thought i was shrinking which was very nice! (thanks amanda!). now another 15 kilos and i am sure i'll go faster!

anyway - work is improving - the person i was doing a hard job for said even she didn't quite understand what we were doing it and that i was doing a good job. i'll hold back on feeling too pleased until i get the red-penned document back...

i also have a pot of gorgeous tangerine tulips that my mum sent me at work. makes me smile every time i see them! (perhaps not as much as getting 12 long stemmed red roses from a spunky boy - but pretty darn good nonetheless!).

i have been having a "niggle" of late on the back of my left knee, on the inside. i feel it mostly after (but sometimes during) a run, often when i am walking with long steps. feels like something is pulling. not sure what but i probably have been getting a bit lax on the hamstring stretching recently - but who knows! i am going to hope for a miracle disappearance - unless anyone has any suggestions?

i need to train my coffee shop what "light" butter on raisin toast means... (ie less than an oil slick...). tastes good though...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

bumbling along

story of my life really!

well this morning i got up with 40 mins on the program ("easy" - possibly my favourite word :) but i couldn't for the life of me decide on a good 40 minute run near my house. i could go around the park but would have to add about another 1/3 - 1/2 which would be weird, i couldn't go all the way around the outside (unless i got real fast) and i didn't want to run up oxford st or just run around aimlessly. so i decided to come into the city and run around the botanic gardens. I dumped my stuff at the gym and took off and man it was a gorgeous morning. cool but not icy, the sun was coming up very gently - all in all it was superb conditions.

so i ran around to the opera house - and the gates were still locked! what the? eventually i got in through some funny gate near government house but i don't think i was supposed to because there was literally no one in there down by the water. v strange. i ran around to the fleet stairs and those gates were locked too. ran around the gardens a bit and back to the opera house gates again - still locked! i ended up escaping the way i got in but it was a bit weird feeling trapped like that. still i ran back around the quay and in the rocks for a bit, back up Pitt st and that was 43 minutes done. very nice indeed. especially because i felt like i was going quite fast and i didn't really find it too much of a struggle. i lifted the pace again in the last 5 mins and felt it a bit then but it was still pretty comfortable. hurray!

however i now have Not for you by Pearl Jam on high rotation in my head. but damn it was good this morning.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sweatin' - but not really cause it was sooo cold

Back to McKay oval for some much needed punishment this morning. In the end it was a pretty short session. 1 x 1600, 2 x 800m. My times were 8.34 (this is 13 seconds quicker than my fastest ever before today!), and then 3.57 and 4.05. i think i did ok in my first two because i stuck onto a girl who is faster than me. she obviously didn't like it that much because in the last 800 she took off and left me feebly shuffling along. but that is ok because at least i know i'm getting faster! i'd never done 800's before and man are they hard. really hard to judge my pace because i would go out as fast as i would do 400 - but then it wasn't over! eek!

Sparkie reckons that he is lapping me a fair bit later on the circuit than he was before so i am obviously improving :)

anyway i have found a potential candidate for my 80 year old love interest. there is a man that sits on a corner in between where i live and the bus stop (well he sort of hovers now because they are knocking down part of a building and his little bench is gone). anyway i think we are progressing because today he called me sweet heart and told me i looked gorgeous. i will have to do some investigating to make sure he is suitably well off, but things are looking good.


Monday, May 08, 2006

oh dear lord

this has nothing to do with running by the way - just in major need of some venting...

i think that i am way out of my depth with this new job. not only does no one actually explain anything - no one is around for me to bug them to give me more information. they seem to think that i know background and everything whereas i don't really even know the right way to get the kitchen!!!!!


i am sure i'll muddle through eventually, but as my nanna would say i'm having a bit of a nervy turn. would much prefer to be out running.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

lovely long run

well this morning's run was very enjoyable indeed in terms of effort and weather. started out with Lulu, Jen and Owl and came home with Jen. Unfortunately Lulu had a flare up or possible new injury which meant that we had to leave her half way which was a shame. Owl had slightly less time on the program. But I actually did 70 mins! which was fantastic. It was a more relaxed pace than last week which meant covering the same distance but 5 mins slower.

afterwards we headed to a cafe on Clovelly Rd where sparkie and the gorgeous louis joined us for breakfast. very relaxing morning and i'm gradually getting that time right up! there was a time when the idea of running for over an hour was ridiculous! hurray!

now to deal with the fact that my house looks like a bomb site and i have no clean clothes!

god i love sundays.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

self inflicted pain

30 mins on the program and it wasn't entirely fun. there were a few points where i felt quite sick and i wasn't sure whether that was just hangover/dehydration or whether it had to do with something i ate this morning (as i am not used to running with anything in my stomach). in any event i made it (yay!!). i will be interested in how i go tomorrow morning after such a late run today. this is my first programmed 5 run week - i've nearly made it!

going to see a trashy chick flick tonight. can't wait :) nothing like a dose of escapism and cinescreen happy-ever-afters to restore your faith in romance!!


Friday, May 05, 2006

resting & resistance training

well on the program for today is cross training. i will be doing that around 5pm when i commence my new resistance program which is using light champagne (possibly beer) weights with high reps. i'm really looking forward to it.

hehe - it is great to come back to a place that has staff drinks every friday. i plan to use it as part of my salary packaging. not to imply that i drink a lot. but i do like to be sociable. :)

the new job is a bit of a struggle at the moment. not because i have too much work - but rather because i have none and i am getting frustrated and bored and feeling a bit lost! no one is really talking to me much - i suspect that this will change next week when they have time to actually stop and give me some work. fingers crossed. everyone says that i will wish i was this quiet very soon - which is true - but is hard in your first few days when no one is very chatty!!! i haven't even turned on my time recording. what would i record it as... "ADMIN: bludging".

anyway - looking forward to a nice running (and other) weekend. 30 mins tomorrow and 60 on Sunday with Lulu, Jen, the Owl and Owl's friend. Can't wait. Lulu and Jen are doing 70 mins i think and i did 65 last Sunday so i will see how i go whether i go with them. Should be great!!!

thanks everyone for your comments - i do feel good about how far i have come - i would have been sh*t scared to even rock up to a training session at sweat before and now i feel confident that mostly i can finish the sessions. its great. now if only i could get some work, find that sugar daddy i keep speaking of, win the lotto (which would negate need for work) and end third world debt I would be a satisfied woman :) hehe

Thursday, May 04, 2006

fartlek virgin

well today's sweat session was my very first fartlek - ever. it was around the park which combined with a run to and from the park and home and a warm up lap made it a longish session km's wise for me. Lulu's technology indicated that the lap itself was 7km and i did maybe 2 more. that is still a long way for me! and i was proud that i made it, even though i did take the shorter option at the end. let me tell you - the run home was a MAJOR struggle as it is mostly uphill. i walked lots of it. at least i know i tried hard enough.

during the fartlek itself the first surges seemed really long. it is still a revelation to me that i can run hard like that (hard for me - but still slow - blah blah insert my usual embarassment at calling it running hard when for others it is slower than a cool down jog - i'm even getting sick of hearing myself say that!!) and then not completely stop. i can actually kind of recover while i am still running. i reckon that is pretty cool!

anyways it was fun and having lulu there was great as she gave me an idea of someone to (try to) keep up with. she was a lot stronger than me at the end and my last surge didn't involve any noticeable increase in pace.

but allround i'm pretty pleased with todays effort and it makes me proud that i did it when 4 months ago i would have struggled to run that far - let alone with 'surges'.

happy ellie today. sitting at new desk. workless as yet but not too concerned about that. what i am worried about is the type of work they have planned for me. i am primarily a front end construction/infrastructure/utilities kind of girl and i keep hearing the words "project finance" which is freakin me out. time will tell....


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


quick 30 min easy run on the program this morning so i headed into the park. just for a change i managed to make the stop watch on my ipod not work - so who bloody knows how long i actually went for - i am pretty sure it was around 30...

must get battery for watch....

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


well i am now fully ensconced in the new job. well - fully insofar as i haven't met anyone that i will be working with or seen my office or done any work. i got to leave work at 4.56 yesterday!!!!! and looks like an early close today as well. lucky really given that a full day of computer training really takes it out of you. i am glad i have done this sort of thing before because otherwise i reckon i would really struggle.

and before i go into details about this mornings running i have to express my utter horror about something that happened to me on sunday night. i had gone to bed pretty early and half woke around 10pm thinking i had to get up for some reason. then i felt something that felt like a necklace slipping down my neck. only i didn't have a necklace on. it was really cold and i flicked it from out of my pj top and it went next to my bed. then i was still half asleep and turned the light on to look. couldn't see anything. moved something that was on the floor and there was a MASSIVE COCKROACH that had been crawling down my neck while i slept!!!!!!!! ohmigod!!!!!!!

so needless to say i was then awake. now i only get about one cockroach every few months which is not bad for sydney - but really - what are the odds of it getting into my bed!! anyway i went nuts with the surface spray so may poison myself but i won't be getting any (unwanted) sneaky nightime visitors. ughhhh.

ok now the running. went to sweat this morning and had 3x1600m on the program. managed to do it despite wanting to quit at 1200 in the 3rd one. my times were 8.58, 8.46 and 9.14. i obviously went out way too hard in the second one... mostly cause sean was joking that i didn't look like i was trying hard enough! i was!! i just smile instead of grimace (how weird is that?).

now am sitting waiting for training to commence at 9am... today we are covering the style guide for long documents, the firm specific outlook and telephone and voicemail... yeeha...