
Thursday, May 25, 2006


dragged myself to sweat this morning for another fartlek session. the last one i found ok (there were a few of us at the back and we didn't do the last loop etc). today was hard!! and i did the extra loop. i think that i was probably going faster in parts than i did last time - but who can tell. certainly i did about 1.5km more than last time, which combined with the to and from the park and a lap of the oval makes it quite a big run for me!! (9-10km i think)

and my legs actually hurt afterwards! i don't usually get that (possibly not trying hard enough?) but today i felt it. could just be that my body has just registered the increase in mileage etc. anyway. feeling good now.

on the job front things aren't improving. it looks like i will start to get busy from today as i am starting a due diligence for a big deal. but to be honest i am underwhelmed by the prospect of working past 8 every night and giving up my weekends. call me crazy.

and although i feel very weird about it, i am considering another opportunity that i was called about a few weeks ago (and dismissed wanting to give this a shot) and am facing the always-uncomfortable fact of admitting to myself that i may have made a mistake. and that in fact - i'm just not cut out for this. i think things could have been different if i had spoken to my boss and felt a bit motivated early on, or if i didn't sit with nothing to do for 3 weeks while they told me how bad it was going to be when it did start. of course nothing may come of it, but i'm thinking about it. definitely food for thought....


At 2:03 pm, Blogger Mandy said...

hmm, that's a pickle...would it hurt to inquire about the other job?

My legs have only ever really really ached once, and that was after my first hill training summer ever this February..son of a....they hurt alot!

At 3:18 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

My leg hurt for the first time in a couple of months after Warwick this weekend. It was almost a joy to have sore muscles again! Try giving your legs a little massage using lots of body lotion. I find it helps a little, and its a cheap option.

Some more food for thought ... maybe it would be a mistake not to admit you made a mistake.

At 6:43 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Yay ellie sounds like a great fartlek.

And what Tesso said unless you are mistaken....

At 8:51 pm, Blogger Random Psychologist said...

those decisions are always the tough ones...but after having to make a few i have worked out that the gut is the true teller! listen to your intestines :)

mmm sore muscles the best kind of pain!


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