
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Sweat and bribery

So people (you know who you are :) )are coming up with some very creative ways of donating to my NY fundraising drive. In particular, one lovely coolrunner has committed to donating $10 for each Sweat session that I attend between now and then (40ish I think) and $100 when I break 2 hours for the 1/2 marathon.

All very good incentives (although as I believe someone may have said - surely having to run a marathon is enough incentive to go to training!!!!).

And having attended the first Sweat since that deal, $10 is in the bank :)

Actually I had a great session this morning. I was feeling good. I had 5 x 400's on the program, and for once Sean didn't increase my reps or distances! not everyone fared so well though, I think it was because of the 1/2 on Sunday.

The garmin measured the courses slightly long at 420m but I trust Sean's roller and I was happy with the times anyway. Its practically cross country so I am always interested in how much difference it would make to run on the track. Up at Jindabyne I was running them (at least one!) 10 seconds quicker on the measured track.

Anyway - my times were: 1.49, 1.48, 1.49, 1.53, 1.48. I was really happy with that effort. When I add my 3.85k warm up and 2.3k cooldown it was a good day and 8.2ish km.



At 3:04 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Nice times there Ms E and you made it look nice and easy out there at the front of our pack.

Keep track of those payments now!

At 8:34 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Of course Sean's wheel is right!

I've heard you were mentioned in R4YL - must read that article.


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