light at the end of the tunnel
anyway so my great plans to go for a run yesterday were quickly laid to rest when i woke up (despite literally dreaming the entire night about getting up to go for a run!!) as i was barely able to move my head. i spent the day at home as even getting up and having a shower and taking some drugs didn't help a great deal. funnily i felt guiltier about missing a run than i did about not going to work. hmmm. priorities...
today i woke up feeling much better albeit with a particularly attractive cough. at least they will know at work that i wasn't making it up! they'll wish i had been making it up though i'm sure. didn't go for a run as my chest is really tight and i'm not breathing too easily. but tomorrow for sure!!! and i am going to start this weeks program again next week cause i don't know how i'll go keeping up with what was scheduled. or maybe i should just give it a go. who knows! apparently tomorrow is more track work not hills so that will be ok. i need to invest in suitable cold weather clothing i think but unfortunately am dirt poor courtesy of my course (this month its costing me $1200!!!!) so will have to make do until next month... (or next winter at this rate!).
right. now to scrounge up some work...
Rest your body if your cold pains are from the nexk will just be out longer if you don't....but you felt "the guilt"...great isn't it?
Look after yourself! If you try to get back out there before you're ready you'll just do more damage. I hope you feel much better tomorrow.
Well done on the Mother's day race. Now you're a racer, not just a runner.
Tomorrow's session is a piece of cake.
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