
Friday, December 01, 2006

the home stretch

did 5k this morning in around 32 mins. about 6.30 pace I think. didn't feel too crash hot to be honest. dunno whether its just that i am under trained, tired legs from kicking stuff, didn't really eat dinner, had a couple of wines (ok 4) or what.

i'm going to do half an hour ish tomorrow morning but i have to say that compared to the Sydney half I feel drastically underprepared for sunday. i feel very unconfident - but now i feel is the time for misplaced confidence and positivity :) so who knows - i might surprise myself and do a MASSIVE pb :)

coolrunning isn't working on my work computer anymore :( i can get the banner but nothing else. anyone got any ideas???


At 10:31 am, Blogger Jodi said...

I'm in the same boat with you. My half is the 10th and I'm not feeling really confident of a PB. And I am 1000% better trained this time than last time. I'm hoping for a surprising boost of motivation race morning!


At 11:28 am, Blogger Lulu said...

You'll be fine as along as you don't go out too hard at the start. And if you don't run a PB, there will be plenty more opportunities so it won't be the end of the world, or mean that you can't run anymore!

At 12:39 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Lulu is right. And maybe for dinner Saturday have something a little different from what you had last night ;-)

Good luck!

PS Can't help with the CR problem.

At 12:40 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Oh, and by different I don't mean drink red instead of white, or visa versa :-)

At 5:12 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Just forget about the preparation and concentrate on the race. You'll do fine. Don't forget your kick at the end ;)

At 6:22 pm, Blogger miners said...

CR's off my computer too - however I think it has more to do with my IT nazis than CR itself ;)

Don't worry about Sunday. CC 1/2 is a blast for all the *right* reasons. Don't think of it as a race, but a really, really social long run :)

At 11:30 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Nice work ellie - enjoy CC ;-)

At 5:33 am, Blogger Kate said...

I have had some of my best races when I felt awful before a race.. But you have had some tough times this season, and, like Lulu says, the most important thing this time is not going out too fast. Also- letting go of the need to PB every race is one of the most important things to your running career! My first non-pb was half number 5 or so (the race after my pb and 6 minutes slower!), and it really threw me . I'm realising now that even a PW is ok, and part of being a runner, though it's still hard and I am really not looking forward to that first trip back over 1:50...

Have a fun weekend!


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