
Saturday, July 22, 2006

a shocker

at about 5.30 yesterday afternoon i started getting stomach cramps and feeling generally crap. didn't think much of it but when i was on the bus wondering if i was going to have to jump off to throw up i figured it wasn't going to disappear. got progressively worse and i ended up curled up in bed from 7pm trying to avoid getting up because every time i thought i was going to have to throw up i couldn't. ugh.

thought i would try my 30 mins easy this morning. it wasn't easy. it felt dreadful. really struggling, my stomach hurt and i had no energy (probably because i hadn't eaten anything since lunch yesterday - which incidentally was salmon teriyaki which i eat all the time but might give a miss for a while now...). i am not going to my volunteering today because i feel just crap. hopefully if i rest up i will be ok for the race tomorrow, if its anything like today i will be very disappointed :(

but i just had a bowl of special k and its staying down ok so fingers crossed.


At 10:50 am, Blogger Cirque said...

Ouch - that sounds awful. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel much better soon.

At 3:56 pm, Blogger TD said...

Agree with Cirque..a bit nasty and sudden too. Take care.

At 5:41 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Oh you poor thing :-( That sounds pretty bad.

Take it easy. Hope you're feeling better soon.

PS Why do these things always happen on the weekend!

At 10:26 pm, Blogger Jen said...

I can't believe you still went out for a run! Take it easy on yourself E :-)


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