
Friday, April 13, 2007

home-sweet-home :)

I woke up this morning for the first time not feeling like bounding out of bed and actually not feeling like getting out of bed at all. Rather than push it, (the funny almost-dizziness of last years 'iron-wars' was starting to come back) I thought I would walk this mornings session. This was a teeny bit disappointing because it was the flattest course we had run on (we tried it out last night). Nonetheless I had a really enjoyable 50 min walk in the sunshine with some tunes and a general feeling of well being and satisfaction with my efforts over the last 7 days.

I decided after that that it would be a good time to call it quits and have some down time (2 days) before the BRW triathlon. So after a long drive (including getting lost in Canberra... that place is a maze!!). I am quite happy with that decision. 7 days and 21 sessions is more than I could ever have hoped. And those hills!

I got a huge amount out of the camp.

- The obvious ones - I feel fitter and better equipped for hills! and more hills! (for now anyways...)

- I met some lovely lovely people and got to know some that I knew a little a whole lot better. For those of you that read this, it was great :)

- One thing that was really confronting was the whole - being significantly slower than the bulk of the group - thing. It is hard to put yourself completely out of your comfort zone like that, but I am incredibly glad that I did, and triumph through adversity and all that, blah blah :)

- Lots of time to think about goals and things. I am still not 100% - at this stage I am torn between wanting to set a big scary triathlon goal, but not being sure whether it is really what I love and whether perhaps I should just run and run and run with some cycling and swimming as cross training. Or hedge my bets over winter, keep my hand in the bike and swim and decide later on... (this one is currently winning!).

- Lots of time to think about myself and what I want, and don't want in my life. Don't get to do that too often. I really loved the space to just be and not be stressing about work or anyone or anything. And there is nothing like hitting the crest of a massive hill before coasting down the other side to give you a beautiful sense of perspective and contentment (and sheer bloody relief!!!)

Of course, life starts crashing back in and I felt the stress coming last night when I spoke with my dad and found out that my baby brother had an accident and hurt his arm quite badly (looks like a few surgeries will be involved) in a bull riding accident and that my grandfather is in hospital again. But in a current status check I'm feeling good and I'm energised and excited about training again. I found myself running up the stairs to my apartment tonight - things must be good!! (but I'll confirm when I notice myself singing loudly in the shower - that is a sure sign that all is right with the world)



At 10:08 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

Sounds like you had a great time at the camp Ellie. Seems to me that the camp will be very good for your running. And now you are a hill runner.

At 11:25 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

The currently winning one sounds good to me. Must have been a great camp - 21 sessions! I didn't think Sean was that mean. If you're now a hill runner, that means 6' 2008 ;)

At 11:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great. Just let it all sink in and enjoy the feeling of putting in all you can during a very exciting and hard training week. It will be all worth it when you start running pb's.

Hope all goes well for your brother and grandfather.

At 2:07 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like you've achieved a lot from the camp. Don't rush the decision about triathlon v running. Stick to what you enjoy, you'll work it out eventually. (I recently went through similar decisions). Hope your brother is alright.

At 6:05 pm, Blogger running uphill said...

Hi Ellie

Hope the family are okay. I agree with Jason, just do what you enjoy. Do you want to race in swimming and cycling or do you just enjoy the extra fitness/excercise??

At 8:48 pm, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Welcome back, Ms Hill-Runner! :-)

Re: Tri -vs- Running. Do you need to make a choice? If you want to achieve the absolute best that you possibly can, then you need to specialise, but then the best that you possibly can would also require leaving work and training full time! (Don't go getting any ideas now :-) ).

On the other hand, if you do it all for fun and to achieve pretty much as good as you can, then why not just keep doing both and be one of those "runners-who-sometimes-swim-and-cycle".


p.s. Besides, there's nothing like a lazy km in the pool to remind you why you like running so much :-)

p.p.s ...and it's pretty hard to find a pool with a hill in it :-) :-)


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