
Thursday, February 15, 2007

my bleeding heart

well my arm anyway. went to the haematologist today but haven't come back with any real answers or plans going forward.

She isn't sure what the reason for the low iron is, and because it is improving at a slow rate she isn't sure that she wants to do an infusion. But the results she saw were a bit old so I had another set of tests (5 vials of blood!!) and I'll give her a call.

So at this stage it looks like we are going to head down the 'toughen up' route rather than the 'miracle cure' one. Bugger!! Doesn't she know I have a big race in a month??? I can't wait for my slow-motion iron levels to increase!


At 9:53 pm, Blogger 2P said...

You just need to eat rusty nails for breakfast like all the other triathletes :-)

You're braver than me mate - I'd have fainted seeing 5 vials of my own juice getting sucked out.

At 11:04 pm, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

E. Training is about getting your body into the best state it can be, and racing is about getting the best out of whatever state your body is in.

If the doc says tough it out, then that's the best state your body can be in this time - so just get out and race! You'll be cool :-)


At 11:41 pm, Blogger Jodi said...

You're anemic, so let me just take a unit of you blood for some tests....


I feel for you. I know this is personal, but did they check your stool for blood? My anemia was from a stomach bleed and GI problems are a very common cause...

I've been using "gentle iron". It's been very kind on my stomach.

Good luck. I'm amazed at your dedication to training with this. My motivation has sucked.


At 7:58 am, Blogger Bayin said...

Going Good Ellie, My Goal Tri is on the 18th March up in Newcastle 500M/15K/4K just to get me started but am looking at doing an Olympic Distance event on the 18th November later on this year so hope I can keep it up.


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