
Sunday, November 12, 2006


that was a tough one.

2hr, 17.8k, 6.43 pace. ran down oxford st, around hyde park, back up oxford st (many strange looks from the multitude of revellers still out, still smashed). then diverted down flinders, around the moore park golf club, around the outside of the park and through the middle of the park and did a lake loop. actually felt totally fine until the last 10 mins which were a real struggle. still made myself hold and even pick up the pace so I'm quite pleased with that. ran into rob and brightshoes and glimpsed sean's squad as i walked home afterwards.

more phantom sweat blisters - on my shoulders this time. its definitely related to sweating - but the other ones disappeared and the skin is starting to peel. who knows - maybe that is just what happens when you get burnt? i never do so its all very new and icky to me.

last night the owl and I went to watch the state 3k championships - particular to cheer on sparkie and superflake and gary and quite a few striders actually. very exciting! (despite the parking dramas caused by the inconsiderate timing of the U2 concert :). some fantastic runs and we had a little picnic up in the stands. we also hardly perved at all because we were quite far up and it was difficult to see clearly (except for the dude in the white lycra bike pants...).

i bought a set of scales yesterday. it is a bit of an experiment to try and desensitise myself to weighing myself. having always had an issue with weight/appearance stepping on the scales is never pleasant and is often enough to ruin my day/week. we shall see. like lorna says - its just a number.......

just had a bowl of watermelon - how good is it???


At 10:27 am, Blogger Spark Driver said...

The phantom sweat blisters sound like the result of a sunburn to me.

After many summers of getting some nasty burns I now consider myself to be a bit of a expert.

At 11:07 am, Blogger Jodi said...

I've made peace somewhat with the scale. I weigh myself about twice per week. There is a lot of day to day variation, so don't be alarmed!


At 12:39 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Nice run Ellie - good luck with the numbers game ;-)

At 3:56 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

I only do the 'just a number' thing once a week. They change so slowly!

I was saying "phwoar" a few times myself on Saturday while only managing 7:12 kms.

White uniforms should be banned (unless worn by women of course).

At 9:23 pm, Blogger PortRunr said...

Nice run Ellie. My vote for the blisters is the result of sunburn.
Sorry to hear about your parking woes...better take it up with those inconsiderate Irish musicians ;)

At 10:29 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

A hot run this morning wouldn't help the blisters coming up. Thanks for cheering last night at the track.

At 10:01 am, Blogger Simlin said...

mmmmm watermelon.


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