good day for it...
but jeez it was hot and humid early on! then i got blown away later this afternoon in the gale force winds!
i had 2 hours on my program this morning but amended to include some cycling... i did 50 odd minutes and then Jen met me for another 30. All up around 12k. Then our very helpful sales assistant from the Clarence St Cyclery kindly came and met us at the park to give me a cycling lesson... aka - how to use the funny clip in shoes.
the lesson started with an immediate stack and a near decision to never ever ever ride again. it hurt!! and i am going to have a monster bruise on my thigh and already have little ones on my arms and lower legs. :(
but i somehow decided to start again - and then it was all good and i unclipped safely the rest of the time. we only did about 5 k but i got into a nice rhythm as we did a whole lap of the park. managed to get up a bit of speed and i reckon that the bike is amazing - its rider just needs to get some stronger legs :)
hehe - here are the spokey dokes...
EDIT - meant to say - wildthing - no - its not a womens frame because in this make they didn't have one and the one they did have was even more expensive! so a boy bike for me! also - in case you were curious i took the spokey dokes off before taking to the road - so as to avoid the wrath of the scary roadies in centennial park... :)
My lightening bolt looks right at home on my bike ;-)
Thanks for a lovely morning.
I sooooo want/need spokey dokes for my bike ;-)
At the risk of sounding a little cliche - good on you for getting right back on the bike.
The spokey dokes are way cool! I reckon you should put'em back on ;-)
Yeah but you kept the pink streamers and the basket didn't you?
oo-er ... did I say something about having fun with the pedals? ;)
Classic stuff Ellie - the good thing is that it happens to everyone - and now you have it out of the way, you can relax :)
That bike looked space-age. Impressive commitment you're making to do these triathlons seriously. I'm sure the running and bike-legs will go well for a start.
I always standby for injuries when Mr lulu goes out on his bike as he usually manages to not get his feet out in time so you're not alone in that. Look forward to seeing you whizzing around the park on your bike.
What? I'm disappointed Ellie. You should have left them on - the wind resistance will make you work harder!
Also, easier to find your bike in the transition area at Ironmans ;)
You need atleast one spin with the spokie dokies.
It was great seeing you this morning. Happy to hear that the spin on the bike went well.
Agree with Spark least one ride with spokey Dokes is needed...with photo evidence of course.
Hey, the bike looks better in the flesh.
You definately need to provoke the wrath of those way to serious road riders and spokey dokeys and just the means to show them up.
lol!Go get em ;)
Do spokey Dokes come in cool running colours? Good luck with the cleats mate - it happens to all of us exactly like Miners said! I hope the bruises aren't too bad.
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