
Friday, October 06, 2006

couldn't think of a good title for today - so we'll do without today.

yesterday i had a bad afternoon at work and I went home feeling terrible. the problem was that it starting spiralling into other areas of my life so i put myself to bed around 7 o'clock. also thought that might be a good idea because of early morning swim squad.

i did notice though that i was getting a sore throat and sniffing and the glands on my neck were really sore to touch. this morning i woke with the same things and decided not to go swimming (blocked ears etc etc).

but this decision was not made without a lot of thinking. did i make myself sick by getting stressed about work and going to the squad for the first time, and a bunch of other stuff that is on my mind? or was it the fact that i was getting sick that made me get a bit down on everything?

no answers - just lots of questions. decided to coem into the office (very) early to try and get some perspective on that side of things.

hope i'm good for striders tomorrow!!

EDIT - what a grumpy pants???!!! changed my mind and now I am very happy :) (not to mention motivated, professionally fulfilled, imbued with an inner sense of peace and really, truly, exceptionally, ridiculously good-looking) hehehehe


At 6:50 am, Blogger Jen said...

Take care of yourself girl :-)


At 7:34 am, Blogger Jen said...

You aren't telling us anything we didn't already know.

PS you left out feisty ;-)

At 8:22 am, Blogger 2P said...

I think an apt title would be "A Womans (particularly a motivated, professionally fulfilled, imbued with an inner sense of peace and really, truly, exceptionally, ridiculously good-looking and feisty one) Prerogative" - good on you for changing your mind Ellie ;-)

At 9:10 am, Blogger miners said...

... really, really, ridiculously good looking?

Wish i could change my mind from a bad mood to a good positive mood so quickly. A run, or a surf can do it - but I'm usually unable to simply switch things from one to the other without some 3rd party/sport/alcohol etc...

Hope you're still right for that big <55

At 9:12 am, Blogger miners said...

by the way - try the movie quotes. I only do it for my own benefit because I couldn't think of new blog-post titles either :)

(hee hee ... my word verification for this post happened to be "fuqmie" - pardon the french, but this could be a good mantra for the office today)

At 9:13 am, Blogger Simlin said...

Did you catch your reflection in a giant spoon?
That alwas perks me up.

At 10:24 am, Blogger Unknown said...

That's grumpy? Girlfriend, you can do better than that surely?

At 12:28 pm, Blogger Bennyr said...

Sometimes you just need to reread a grumpy post to pull yourself out of it.

Hope it all comes good for tomorrow. Homebush is a nice flat course.


At 1:05 pm, Blogger Dave said...

Gee, I'd like a prescription for whatever medication caused you to change your mind :)

At 10:51 pm, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

Nah. You've just got a bug. Shame to get it when winter's finished... See you tomorrow morning!



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