
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

...but at least i tried :)

felt crappy when i woke up - runny nose, blocked up head etc. but i wasn't sure whether it might clear up and just be allergies. i am still not sure because i feel pretty alright now.

on my program was 2 x 1200m, 1 x 1600m - but i was struggling to breathe freely after the accelerations so i decided to do 3 x 1000m. First one i thought i'd see how i went and did it in 4.52. but my chest was screaming so i decided to run the next two with the new girl sara and we did it in 5.27 and 5.25. i was amazed at how easy that felt - but in a good way!

cruised home for a total of 7.5km.

felt messy and straggly and almost like a cop out but looking at it its not too bad for a morning out. hoping that this quasi-cold that i have had for a while now will disappear. its not welcome! especially cause tomorrow is ride and swim day. is swimming with a cold particularly bad?

EDIT - just had my 'heart health test' at work. all is ok - it looks like i am ok to run another day :) blood pressure low-ish, cholesterol 4.35 so could be lower, waist measurement was below the recommended so i'm happy. my resting heart rate was high (73) but i think that was my heart still beating fast after the finger prick for the cholesterol test!! it didn't hurt at all but i do get nervy about needles!


At 9:37 am, Blogger Superflake said...

Swimming with a cold is hard as you have nowhere to breath.

At 9:56 am, Blogger Sparkie said...

You trooper! Agree with the breathing bit (and being blocked can gave you a shocking sinus headache when you swim), but unless the water is too cold, it should not affect you any worse than a run or ride (possibly better, as the bouyancy means your muscles aren't copping a pounding). Trust your judgement - the race is a long way away.

At 10:55 am, Blogger Don Juan said...

At least you got out of bed too, better than I could manage :-/\.

Missing one swim session is very good if the water is cold.

At 1:11 pm, Blogger 2P said...

On the news last night they said the pollen count was down but I was wheezing like an overweight fatso running yesterday - wait a minute - I am an overweight fatso ;-)

At 1:43 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Long time no post!!! Thanks so much for letting us run with you on Saturday! I had such a great time and you ran like a champ!! I always think it is more impressive to keep going when it is tough and you showed that on saturday!! that little book you gave me is fantastic!!! I just keep reading it and it is really inspiring! As a result I am going to start violin again and am very excited!! See you thursday!

At 8:17 pm, Blogger Jen said...

Not unless you can't breathe ;-)

Seriously, it will probably clear your sinus' out a bit ;-) The one thing I do find is that colds tend to stick around a bit longer for me when I am swimming...but maybe that's just me.


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