
Thursday, September 21, 2006

fartlek on the lake

(i still giggle just a teeny bit when i write fartlek - i didn't for a while but then my friend pointed out how silly it is... hehe)

have left the garmin at home but i seem to recall that it went like this:

warm up - 3.6k - including drills and strides.
3 continuous loops of the lake (roughly 1.4ish km) - first loop 7.14 (avg pace 5.04), second loop 7.36 (avg pace 5.14), 3rd loop 7.32.

cool down to round it out to 9km.

i was really pleased with how my legs felt this morning. especially in the drills and accelerations where i usually really struggle i felt quite comfortable. noice. maybe that is what a day of rest does for you!

later on today i am going to dig out my list of goals for 06 that i made in Feb - i am almost sure that i have nailed them all... :)

good to see don juan back in speedy form and lulu back for a last session before heading over to italy (again...)



At 9:29 am, Blogger miners said...

which lake is this? (please excuse the topographically challenged non-sydeny-sider)

At 9:30 am, Blogger Ellie80 said...

hehe - its a lake in centennial park :) it probably has a name like "duck pond" or something equally exciting and creative... i prefer to think of it as "sean's lake of pain"...

At 10:55 am, Blogger Simlin said...

I've knocked off the big one and the ones I thought would be the hardest and now aiming for next big goal and the little ones will come if they come :)

At 12:51 pm, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

I looked at your first posts the other night (no, I'm not stalking you - I was looking to see how far you've come :-) ), and I noticed that you've just ticked off the last item in the list. Not bad (pretty binking amazing, actually) for only 6 months or so.



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