
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

round the block

1 hour on the program today and there was no way that after my lazy day yesterday i was going to miss it. actually it is a whole lot easier getting up early when i am just going to run on my own. that is strange.

i am not sure how far it was but in 1hr and 2 minutes i went from my place to the park, round the outside, down into the park up one side and back and then home again. i would say around 9- 9.5k's but i'll gmap-pedometer it later to check!

feeling good though - 2 days off is a lot! maybe i'll try if i don't feel like training with the group on thursdays just running for an hour. maybe i'd be more likely to go anyway then. hmm.

i read something that simlin said recently that he is getting lazy with bloglines and not commenting as much - i am totally the same. feel like a voyeur - need to get involved again! sorry everyone i've been neglecting! of course i actually have work to do these days which is a whole new world for me! but i have gotten 2 acceptances in two days so that is UNREAL.

yay! beautiful sunny day too - would actually like to go out and do my run again in the sunshine instead of the early morning pitch black fog!


At 9:12 am, Blogger Simlin said...

Yes, I have been making a concious effort not to take the easy way out and actually open the blogs instead of lazily reading them through bloglines :O)

At 9:34 am, Blogger Spark Driver said...

I understand and forgive you. It is hard work keeping up with blogs and commenting.

At 3:16 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Hmmm let's see you get up easier when you are going to run on your own.... you are getting lazy on your blog comments.... you are indulging in voyuerism.... HEY that are MY social disfunctions - get your own ;-)

At 9:12 pm, Blogger TD said...

Nothing wrong with just being a voyeur Ellie. You shouldn't feel any pressure to comment.

At 6:31 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

I agree with what the guys said on the blog commenting. I haven't had a chance to read many all week and feel kinda guilty about it. And the ones I read I didn't have time to comment on.

But then its fun to catch up and see what people have done ... like your great 10k race!


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