
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

no running, no nuthin

sick of not getting better so today i'm doing nothing and intend to spend as much time as possible in bed. the sore throat doesn't seem to be getting better and i also woke up today with a massive swollen eye. what is that about? i think i'm falling apart...


At 10:08 am, Blogger Sparkie said...

A sore throat is ripping through the Sparkie household at the moment. Another one for the rumour mill. Take some time to get on top of it - your training won't amount to much if your body can't absorb it. Doing nothing is more productive in these instances (from someone who did an hour run and a strength session yesterday).

At 12:10 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Wise words from the Sparkie man. I think I might have said something vaguely similar myself:) Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

At 12:16 pm, Blogger Gronk said...

My son had the swollen eye thing recently which had him down to the Childrens Hospital. The Eye Regisitrar diagnosed a wayward pollen spore and to irrigate with a sterile saline solution. Cleared up in a day or two.

Hope this helps. :)

At 12:31 pm, Blogger miners said...

do you sleep walk?

At 2:13 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Ah, so that's where my sore throat came from - SYDNEY!!!!!

Hope yours is better soon.

At 3:51 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Take a chill pill babe - you'll be right with a bit of rest....

Oh yeah - get the eye thing checked by a quack - could be lots of things... infection, allergy, stye.... get it checked ya only get a life time issue of 2!!!

At 8:13 pm, Blogger Jen said...

Rumour mill? What rumour mill.. ;-)

Chill girl. You are not falling apart. You just need a rest. Your training load has increased BIG TIME in the last few weeks. It's bound to take a toll. After all (and I'm sorry to break this to you) but you aren't Wonder Woman

At 8:23 pm, Blogger Shane said...

I think I have caught the same thing just by reading the blogs of sick people :)Going out in sympathy I guess!

Hope you feel better soon.

At 9:06 pm, Blogger Wobbly man said...

I dunno - I reckon you copuld be wonder woman....

At 10:32 pm, Blogger TA and the Gnome said...

That one day in bed I had last week (after battling the lurgy for so long) was just what I needed. I hope it works for you just as well! Are you giving yourself a regular rest every now and then?


At 11:10 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

Time resting is always a good thing for the body. Helps it get stronger.

At 7:33 am, Blogger Horrie said...

Listen to your body Ellie and it won't fail you. Take it easy and make sure you recover from this bout of illness. Then when you recover you can rip right in again.


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