
Sunday, April 23, 2006

50 mins

on my long run this morning. i did the outside of centennial park and ran outside the fence for most of the way (partly cause it was quite dark at the start). felt good and i added a run up cook rd at the end to take me up to time - i can't be sure though because i must have paused the stpowatch on my ipod. doh!!

i'm getting quite excited by my upcoming first fun run ever which is the 8km Mothers Day one. i am hoping to run that course next sunday when i'm back from Perth to make sure i can do it!! even though i know i can cover the distance i still feel a bit apprehensive for some reason. oh well. anyone else heading down for that one?

orright - back to packing and then off to my course. will keep posting my runs from perth otherwise i could easily let it drop off i think.



At 7:32 am, Blogger Gronk said...

Nice run Ellie. Sounds like you'll nail that Mothers Day race easy.

At 11:36 am, Blogger Lulu said...

The Owl will be there at the MDC so look out for her. In fact we did most of the course today.

If you're planning on doing it next weekend I might join you. Jen_runs and I were planning on meeting up so we could all go there if you like.

At 1:45 pm, Blogger Rachel said...

Have fun back in Perth. You'll be fine at the Mother's Day Run. Just have fun!

At 3:10 am, Blogger Mandy said...

I'm an anxious racer too, even though I know I can do the distance.

Your first fun run..finally, you are into the tshirts....whole reason I started running! lol

At 10:45 am, Blogger 2P said...

Nice run Ellie - yes it is getting a bit chilly. I use a pair of el-cheapo Thisulate gloves that I cut the fingers out of...

Got the idea from Flashrip on this CR Thread:;f=2;t=000547



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