
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

freestylin' 1200s...

well despite a marginal hangover i got up at a respectable hour and found an oval. my 400m course was quite ad hoc - but i think it was close-ish...

now i have always considered myself to be reasonable tech-savvy. at least as it applies to my pretty silver gadgets (ie ipod, camera etc). turns out i'm not. i was huffing and puffing running my 1200's and i was quite surprised that i was doing it incredibly consistently - 6m 06s each lap according to my ipod's stop watch. and then i busted a lung on the last one and was sure i was going faster - but no - 06s again. and then i looked closer. i was ignoring the last bit which i had thought was milliseconds but actually it was the seconds and the 06 that i was looking at was the minutes.... so i have no idea how many seconds past 6 min they were (prob about 30) but i was definitely short changing myself in the recovery stakes because i would wait till 8m06 seconds each time (somehow i could read the seconds at that point)....

what a dork. but nonetheless i did (at whatever speed!) my 4 x 1200's and about 500m warm up and 1.5k cool down. a nice mornings work.

glad i made it before the torrential rain started too...


At 2:48 pm, Blogger Mandy said...

good job Ellie..I need some of that to rub off on me before my race this weekend!

At 4:40 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Lol, it's much easier when Sean is calling out your times for you. At least you were out then and sticking roughly to the programme; excellent stuff.

At 4:57 pm, Blogger Cirque said...

I'm so glad you make that sort of mistake too Ellie.

I got horribly confused when I was timing my son at the tri the other day and I thought I'd accidentally reset my watch because the hours looked like minutes and the minutes looked like seconds and I just looked like an idiot.

At 7:04 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Nice job Ellie - if it makes you feel better I got really stroppy with my Garmin this morning because the total distance and the lap distance (one and the same) were reading different - finally worked out that one figure was average speed ;-)

At 8:52 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Ellie, now you are a real serious runner you might need a real serious runner's watch :-)

At 3:00 am, Blogger Spark Driver said...

I really hate those timing malfunctions. So very frustrating.

At 5:54 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

That's a good idea Ellie. If I ever run 3-something for km repeats again, I'll call them 3:00 kms! :-)


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