
Monday, February 13, 2006

oh so tired

I had planned to get up super early this morning to do a yoga class. I like the Bikram class at Bondi Juntion but hardly ever make it to the 6am class as you need to get up a fair bit earlier to drink enough water so you don't pass out in the heated room!

Anyway because I didn't get to bed last night until nearly midnight (hehe had a date and just kept talking...) and I was already tired to start with I couldn't do it this morning. So a rest day it is. Tomorrow is a bootcamp day so I will probably benefit from having a day off today anyway.

OK - running blog is turning into excuse for not running blog...


At 12:41 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

The blog is useful for that too.. you quickly run out of excuses though and have to start getting very creative!

I go to the hyrdro therapy pool in the War Memorial Hospital in Waverley. The guy who runs it is a physio/hydro therapist and he is helping me get my knee fixed!

At 7:23 pm, Blogger Cirque said...

Sounds like a valid excuse...ummm I mean me!

At 9:11 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Yes Ellie, but we're all reading about the running you're not doing.

Your version of speedwork is not too bad. Something else that would work well would be to just run 2 to 3k 'hard' after warming up.

If you could do this twice a week as well as a couple of 40-50 minute slow runs you'd soon be fast-and-enthusiastic.

At 4:37 pm, Blogger R2B said...

Excuses are allways easy to come by E but they waste so much time.
Be a procrastinater and put off procrastinating until later!
Cheers R2B


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