
Sunday, February 12, 2006

short and sweet

So I woke this morning with another semi-hangover. Given that I usually don't do so well at "moderation" in any area of my life I am impressed with myself at two good recoveries in a row. A bit of water (ok - and a sausage mcmuffin) later and I was right as rain, drove home and hit the park again. I figured that it was better to get out and do a short run than nothing at all.

In the end I did one lap (3.7km) but I did my version of a speed session by just running as fast as I could for as long as I could and then walking until I felt like I could go again. I think that I must have done alright because my time for the one lap was 23m34s which if I did two would be 47 minutes which is heaps faster than I have been doing the two laps. And that included a bit of walking.

So I am happy with that for a Sunday with only 8 odd hours of semi-drunk sleep under my belt since Thursday.


At 1:59 pm, Blogger RunDave said...

Sounds like time for some sleep. Take it easy.

At 6:19 pm, Blogger Don Juan said...

Welcome to blogsville and running at Centennial Park. I'm there 3-4 times a week.

Good tip for reducing hangovers is to start drinking later, and set the alarm early. You'll eventually fall asleep before you can do too much damage.

At 9:10 am, Blogger Katie said...

Is that 8 hours sleep in 2 days ??? I wold be a basket case! How can you function on that little amount of sleep, let alone run :-) Good on you for having a go at some speed stuff...careful its addictive!!!

At 2:22 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Well done Ellie, a speed session on a hangover. Then again, it may not be a good thing that you discovered you can do it :-)


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